Home Delivery


At Willis Supermarket we are Constantly Looking to Improve The Store To Serve You The Best way as Possible.

Now we are offering a Same Day Home Delivery Service!

Make Your life Easier, Saving time, avoiding Long lines.

You can Shop from Home via Instacart or download the app for iOS or Android.

If you need help to place your order, you can contact the Instacart team and they will help you and answer your questions  1(844)-981-3433.


How It Works

If you have any questions about our Service or products please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, you can give us a call or even drop by and visit us 

 Send Us a Message


Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • What are your business hours?

    The Store is Open at 7:00AM To 10:00PM, 

    Home Deliveries are Working at 7:00 AM To 9:00 PM

  • What type of payment methods do you accept?

    We Accept EBT Food Stamps, WIC, Credit Cards and Debit Cards.

  • Where is your Store Located?

    We Are Located on 504 South Danville St, Willis Tx 77378.

  • Why are there different prices in store compared to what is on my receipt?

    Item prices may vary from in-store prices in your area. Prices may be higher than in-store prices to cover the cost of personal shopping.

    More Info

  • Why is the final total different from my total at checkout?

    When you place an order, Instacart shows you the anticipated total, including estimated taxes and fees. The final total charged to your card may be different if any changes occur during the shopping process, such as:

    An item is out of stock and you’re refunded

    You add an item to your order after checkout

    An item you order needs to be replaced, and the replacement has a different price

    An item you order is sold by weight and the exact weight is slightly different

    Your personal shopper fulfills a special request for an item not in the catalog. 

  • I will get a refund if my instacart order is cancelled?


    But Refunds may take up to seven business days to process. In some cases, the customer's bank may adjust the original charge amount instead of displaying a separate refund. 

    For refunds on products purchased through Instacart, please contact Instacart Help Center and for returns visit your nearest Willis Supermarket store and provide the Instacart receipt to receive a full refund.

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